Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Sew Kid at Heart is underway!

The wonderful madness that is the Sew Kid at Heart Quilting Bee has begun. The way this one is structured is that everyone sends out fabric at the beginning and then you can work through the different blocks in your own order for a year. I've received 4 of the 14 packages so far.

Here are two blocks I did for Kerri (aka mayaeliseboutique). You should definitely check out her blog/photostream, she makes beautiful creations (many involving gnomes!). We're making a quilt for her 3 year-old who's really into cars. It was fun to do and she sent amazing fabric. I hadn't really worked with linen before, so that was also awesome.

Sew Kid at Heart block for Kerri 1

The second block was a little more improvisational and I got to use the super cute robots!

Sew Kid at Heart block Kerri 2

Also, Mari (aka Midland Designs) from Norway finished a block for me and I couldn't be happier. This little guy's just so adorable!

1 comment:

  1. That little creature is the cutest! And those blocks you did are great, too.


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