Saturday, April 21, 2012

Exciting News!

Although I've been slow to post about it, I finally know where we're moving this summer! I accepted a one-year job at the University of Michigan and I couldn't be more excited!! Jon and I will be moving to Ann Arbor, MI in August. One of the cool perks of this move is that there is an active chapter of the Modern Quilt Guild and I'll have much better work/life balance so I'm hoping to be able to sew more.

This also means that I set a date for my dissertation defense (August 2nd). This is the final step of my PhD program and it feels good to see the end in sight. There's a lot of work between now and my submission deadline in June, but I'm confident it'll all work out well.

And finally, and perhaps of most interest to readers of this blog, I've been sewing slowly but surely over the last few weeks. Two little boys were born early and I just need to sew the bindings on these quilts (I'll show more when I'm all done):
Dino Quilts in Progress

and there's also a special little lady coming soon and I've been working on some appliques for her quilt. Since her momma's a reader of this blog, I'll just share this little tease, but I'm excited to show you the rest.
Lady B's quilt in progress
 (Yes, Andrea, it's for your Lady B and hopefully it'll make it to you before she does)


  1. Woo! Congrats, Kris! That is exciting news! And, wow-- I'm impressed by how productive you are, even with all that is going on in your life. A trio of fun-looking quilts! :)

  2. AHHH!! I can't tell you how excited I am. Brady absolutely loves his quilt and I know she will as well. The fabric is amazing, LOVE IT! (I hope my excitement is coming through in this comment)

    Congrats on the new job, very good news!

    Oh - and did I mention how much I love the tease you gave me?! : ) I love seeing your projects.

  3. Hooray! Almost done! It is going to be fantastic for you and I hope you get through your dissertation defense with ease.

    There are some lucky babies getting your quilts!

  4. Oh man, congrats on setting a date! And also, I hear Ann Arbor is a loooovely town!

  5. Grats! I am sure you will do great :)


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