Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Evolution of a Quilt

As I keep saying at the beginning of my posts, I really can't believe how busy life has gotten. This is the last year of my graduate program, so I'm working hard on my dissertation and applying for jobs since the academic market takes a whole year to go through the process.

But in more fun and exciting news, I'm still part of the Once Round the Country Round Robin and the quilts are evolving in really cool ways. This round, I got Zonnah's quilt. She made an incredible starting block and the additions have been really impressive. I debated about adding a calm mostly solid border, but decided that with only one more round to go, it would put Robin in a tough spot to finish it. Instead, I made a whole bunch of flying geese and echoed the inner borders. I used the speedy method on Quilter's Cache to make 4 flying geese at a time and it really was speedy. I think I made them all in just a couple hours. (www.quilterscache.com/H/Howtomakegeese.html)

Zonnah's Quilt

Here's where it's journey:
Zonnah's Quilt

And because all the quilts are so great, here's a recap of their evolutions so far...

My Quilt:
My Quilt

Anne's Quilt:
Anne's Quilt

Robin's Quilt (I've got this one for the final round now):
Robin's Quilt

Adrienne's Quilt (aka Organized Chaos):
Adrienne's Quilt


  1. I LOVE it! I can not wait to see it in person :-)
    I really enjoyed seeing the evolution of all the quilts. Thank you.

  2. How wonderful that you did a little retrospective of all the blocks. It really is inspiring to see the work that our group has done.

    I just got your block from Adrienne and the pressure is on : )

    I love, love, love what you did to Zonnah's block. Perfection!

  3. these are really amazing. what a great concept for a quilt.

  4. It has definitely been exciting watching all of the quilts grow with each round. So cool! I love the flying geese you created for Zonnah's quilt. Perfect!!! Now, if I could just figure out what to do next... :P

  5. Those are all so amazing that I can't believe it!


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